Laura’s Healing Journey

Laura’s Healing Journey – The Laura (Kidd) Payne Story

This is a story of faith in the face of the flawed human condition, under the curse from the garden. Well-meaning people who want to help but can’t. An arrogant western approach to healing that is cold and cruel. And then a politicized pandemic. Covid came and shut down every avenue of treatment as the world seemed to collectively lose its mind. This is the story of Laura’s Healing Journey, The Laura Kidd Payne Story, and how she and we walked a hard road of fear and grief, in confident hope in the LORD. Click on the book cover above or use this supplied link takes you to Laura’s Healing Journey on Amazon, where you can listen on Audible, read on Kindle, or buy a paperback or hardback copy. You may click the link below to review a portion of the book.