Hello, I’m Banner Kidd. I am an ordained minister with Christian Leaders Alliance and a registered Soul Center. I am the pastor for First Love Outreach Fellowship. We currently have a weekly Bible Study meeting at the Kendallville Public Library, Mondays at 6pm, and a weekly service to begin at 800 E. Main St, in Albion, Indiana, on January 11th. We are so blessed by our teammates in Christ at Albion Wesleyan Church for allowing us use of their fellowship dining area for weekly Saturday services. We will meet there at 6pm each Saturday for a time of live worship and verse by verse through the Books of the Bible. You may learn more by clicking here.

I was born in Prestonsburg and spent ten years of my life in the hollers of Floyd County. I began School at a little three room schoolhouse with no running water with two outdoor toilets alongside Little Mud Creek at Spruce Pine. Our playground consisted of bare ground where all of us boys drew rings in the dirt and played marbles for keeps.

Mom and Dad moved me and my sisters to Kendallville, Indiana when I turned ten years old. Leaving the hollers of East Kentucky and the three room SprucePine School, I grew up in Kendallville, graduated East Noble High School by the skin of my teeth and an added summer school and fall semester. I was a high school wrestler for a time and this is where I began to learn to play guitar and to play in my first real band. I left Kendallville to play music and run hard and play dumb like a lot of young men my age, when I was about 21 years old.

My wife Karen and I will be married 45 years this year (2024), and we raised a son and three daughters. Our oldest daughter went to be with Jesus in 2020. She is not lost! She simply went on ahead of us! We will see her again, soon! In addition to that, another of our daughters lost her left arm completely in a car crash in 2013 and has been raising two little boys on her own since then.
Most of our Christian life we attended and I served at Messiah Fellowship, before it went off the rails into a cult-like group. Jesus, our First Love, delivered us from that Hebrew Roots cult where I was an teaching elder and in ministry for nearly three decades. The harm it caused to hundreds if not thousands of people is immeasurable. God has given me insight, along with His loving forgiveness, to proclaim the truth of the Gospel and expose the lies of the Hebrew Roots movement.
Our family has been through a lot. Personally, I have been delivered from having a triple bypass open heart surgery and three strokes. God has spared me and given me a mission to help others who may find themselves dealing with the death of a loved one, or having been in a cult or an abusive religious environment. Jesus does not equate to man’s religion. Jesus came to deliver His people from it all and to give us an abundant life.

I’ve been involved in ministry nearly all of the 38 years since becoming born again in 1987. I studied at Calvary Chapel Bible College, and completed seminary training with Christian Leaders Institute. I am ordained by Christian Leaders Institute, registered with Christian Leaders Alliance.

Before ordination by CLI, I was ordained by the laying on of hands by the leadership at Harvest Fellowship in Fort Wayne. I’ve known Pastor Paul Mowery for decades, through our mutual ministry in affiliation with Calvary Chapel and with CSN International Christina Broadcast Network.

My ordination was endorsed by Pastor Sam Maddox of Albion, by signature, and by endorsement recommendation by several pastors in Noble County, Indiana. I’ve known Pastor Sam for about two years and partnered together for recovery ministry when I led The 112 Celebrate Recovery Ministry on Main Street in Kendallville, Indiana. Sam pastors Albion Wesleyan Church at 800 E. Main St., in Albion, Indiana, and has graciously allowed First Lover Outreach Fellowship to begin meeting there on Saturday evening, beginning January 11th, 2025.

Today, Karen and I still live in NE Indiana where I serve as a pastor, produce a podcast, preach the Word, write and record songs and lead worship and share the goodness of God. We are currently leading a Monday evening Bible Study and are looking to grow a group of disciples of Jesus Christ in whom the Spirit is bearing the fruit of love in service to God and to others. Join us in Albion, January 11th, as we begin verse by verse through Paul’s letter to the Romans.
If you have questions, would like to know more, join with us, or are interested in booking me for any sort of event, please visit my booking page and contact me personally, or Day 6 Talent for details. I am available at 260-336-4106 or you may send me an email to bannerkidd55@gmail.com.

First Love Outreach Fellowship is a registered soul center with Christian Leaders Alliance and is in accountability with Harvest Fellowship of Fort Wayne, Indiana and Albion Wesleyan Church of Albion, Indiana.